For greater reliability of the tests and therefore of the results achieved, it is good practice to use the services of authorised Institutes.
This is why NURITH has chosen: C.N.R. (Consiglio Nazionale per le Ricerche) – I.T.C. (Istituto per le Tecnologie della Costruzione), I.F.T. (Institut für Fenstertechnik) of Rosenheim
The technical-performance features of windows and balcony doors are regulated by the norm UNI EN 14351-1:2006 and it defines the methods and procedures for application of the EC mark.
Important characteristics refer to:
When tests on samples are carried out, there are two things that can be done:
1) acquiring a "desired" result
2) acquiring a "real" result
As the UNI norms are norms and not laws, that are to be observed in order to guarantee compliance of the product itself, some companies carry out "studied" tests on samples in order to acquire a desired result and therefore provide the customer with manipulated data.
Nurith has carried out its tests in extreme conditions, meaning that a balcony door of 160cm in width x 250cm in height (a very unusual dimension for our homes, but chosen to extend the results of windows of a size smaller than that of the tested sample) in order to acquire a real result.
CLASS improves with a dimensional reduction in the window. It is easy to understand that at the same conditions, carrying out a test on a "smaller" window will generate a better class for a balcony window and also for a window.
Copyright © 2018 NURITH S.p.A. | C.F./P.Iva: 01785690734 | CCIAA: 95995 | Cap. soc. 780.000,00 € i.v.
74013 Ginosa (Taranto) - Italy | Contrada S. Maria D'Attoli | Tel. +39.099.8217111 | Phone: 800 211 972 | eMail:
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